Meet Brenda Carre’s ‘Gret’ in Pulp Literature 15

I’m delighted that Allaigna’s Song will be sharing centre stage with Pulp Literature Issue 15 at the Summer Launch on July 10th.  Not just because of S Ross Browne’s stunning cover painting The Huntress.  (Though I confess I might be jealous if Melissa Duncan hadn’t painted an equally stunning portrait of Allaigna).  No, it’s because the feature author for Issue 15 is Brenda Carre and I love her titular character Gret almost as much as Allaigna.

With ‘Gret’, Brenda Carre gives us the unique voice of a talented young vagabond who will risks her soul against magical forces to save a world that’s been anything but kind to her.  Here’s a sample …

My mam always told me there’s three ways to prosper best and all begin with L.

Location’s one. No prospering’s ever done by thief or witch if the job begins in the wrong place or time.  Lissome tongue was next.  No matter how much wisdom a gal had to her, good learning didn’t go far if she couldn’t talk her way out of a bad deal.  And last was Lightning touch. That meant the effortless sliding of nimble fingers in-and-out of pockets without being cotched.

With pithy observations like “Pirates’ll rut with a post if there ain’t no goats aboard, and the goats breathe easy if there’s girls,” and “Could’a put my heart in a sling and used it for shot,” Gret is one tough character you can’t help but love.

And I’m doubly sure you’ll love Brenda Carre when you meet her and hear her read.

Join us!

The Summer Launch of Allaigna and PL 15 is on Monday July 10th from 6 – 9pm.  The evening will begin with dinner and socializing before moving on to readings, signings, more socializing and more beer!  Be sure to RSVP and we’ll both look forward to seeing you on July 10th at Steamworks!

Eventbrite - Pulp Literature Summer Launch

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Pulp Literature Summer Launch

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