Take a look at this gorgeous cover by Akem for Pulp Literature Issue 18! Along with the latest installment of Allaigna’s Song: Aria this issue features the amazing short story ‘Stones’ by Genni Gunn, and the conclusion of ‘We Come Back Different’ by AJ Odasso (part 1 can be found in PL issue 17). Plus a stunning trip to the moon from Jessica Barksdale and a brand-new Stella Ryman mystery!
Pulp Literature Issue 18, Spring 2018
The issue will be released at the Pulp Literature Spring Launch Party on March 16th at the Cottage Bistro, and pre-orders on sale for $2 off, print or ebook on the Pulp Lit website.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to get my hands on the print version!