
autumn_2016_cover-smallRegular readers of Pulp Literature will notice, as issue 12 starts arriving in their mailboxes, that there is not an excerpt of Allaigna’s Song within.  Instead you’ll find a short story, ‘Masquerade’.

It’s the first story I wrote using Dale Adams Segal’s The Hour Stories, at a writing workshop at Lodge at the Old Dorm on Bowen Island (where we now hold our annual Muse retreat).

It’s been through many revisions over the years, but the feeling of it remains.  It was the story that made me decide that maybe I could be a writer, after all.  I’m delighted to have it see print at last, beautifully illustrated by Mel Anastasiou.  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed revisting it!masquerade-title

PS: fans of Allaigna, never fear.  She will return in Pulp Literature issue 13, with the first chapter of the sequel, Allaigna’s Song: Aria.



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